Jun 10Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

You have such a strong voice. I love/need to hear it. Thank you.

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I will never understand how someone can be not white and Republican and expect to be taken seriously.

They're Nazis. Don't matter how much y'all suck up, they are never a safe option.

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I wonder if anyone asked Byron Donalds about Trump’s wanting the death penalty for The Central Park 5 and get his opinion on that.

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He’d probably say something. I Can’t judge him by that one full front page ad on killing brothers

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…no doubt uncle Ruckus would find a few ridiculous excuses to stay a bigot in that conversation

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Powerful post. Thank you for the history lesson. 🙏

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Black Republicans. Why would anyone, even those who think they are above the law and above paying taxes, try to appeal to people who hate them? I will never understand this. Black Americans have been oppressed in this country ever since the first African was dragged in chains off a slave ship- these Black Repugs are truly insane.

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…there’s so many “uncle Ruckus” are there

…the amount of political NAZIS propagandists are FUCKING ENORMOUS !!!!

…humanity just fell asleep in a race for more goods they can not afford nor own, confusing technological advances for a progress considering themselves “well off” despite the fact everything they own doesn’t belong to them, from houses and cars to children’s “education”, but they’d rather lose their rights and freedoms then to lose all that, it’s insanity, but that’s how propaganda works, this country worships money, while power is the only commodity elite is after, we have so many millionaires who are just patsy for those who came from politics and power behind it, it’s easier to confuse people with soft commercial propaganda to predispose them to the real system authority - corporations are can not be fucked with because “it’s economy stupid”, they are who GIVING YOU JOBS and a “chance” to compete in a system set up against you by design, propaganda is not a new concept and one would argue “i’m not stupid”… well, i think now we really have a solid argument to the contrary of that statement don’t we ?

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Thank you for the education. Some people will be moved the wrong way due to this person. Remember, every brother ain’t a brother (Public Enemy)! Check up on what this imbecile says and you will see the lies of it. Welfare Queens were white. The majority of people on welfare were white.

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Gloriously well written! 🔥❤️‍🔥👏🏽 Thank you!

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What an ass is the Florida congressman Byron MacDonald for even suggesting the discrimination of the Jim Crow era kept Black families together. With obstacles to the vote, jobs, the right they to live in certain neighborhoods, separate but unequal education, separate shops separate everything! Violence and terror marked this time in our history leading to the lynching and murder of far too many black americans. MacDonald is an obvious opportunists and a fool! 💙✌🌹😏

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Outstanding piece! 👏🏻

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I’ve seen that clip two times. He’s entirely unaccountable. I’ve thought it’s not what you say. It’s how you are heard. Maybe stop blaming the democrats, media etc. maybe choose words that are easier in understanding what you mean.

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The republicans are folding faster than the Afghan Army.

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…how did you recon this ? …all i see to the contrary, NAZIS are taking our country state by state and school district by school district, the amount of political NAZIS propagandists are FUCKING ENORMOUS !!!!

…humanity just fell asleep in a race for more goods they can not afford nor own, confusing technological advances for a progress considering themselves “well off” despite the fact everything they own doesn’t belong to them, from houses and cars to children’s “education”, but they’d rather lose their rights and freedoms then to lose all that, it’s insanity, but that’s how propaganda works, this country worships money, while power is the only commodity elite is after, we have so many millionaires who are just patsy for those who came from politics and power behind it, it’s easier to confuse people with soft commercial propaganda to predispose them to the real system authority - corporations are can not be fucked with because “it’s economy stupid”, they are who GIVING YOU JOBS and a “chance” to compete in a system set up against you by design, propaganda is not a new concept and one would argue “i’m not stupid”… well, i think now we really have a solid argument to the contrary of that statement don’t we ?

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