Neither one of them did the job they were supposed to do as they didn’t moderate a damn thing. I wonder if they were paid to not moderate? If they weren’t, they were the worst moderators I’ve ever seen.

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I found it disgusting how all they could talk about is Biden‘s age after the debate and not how Trump just spouted lies and racist rhetoric. It was disgusting and I am disgusted with our media for not doing their jobs.. so frustrating

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I thought the same. But I am guessing all the attention went to Biden because his feeble demeanor surprised us.

T___p was just more of the same cringe. Always has been a moron, always will be. We saw a vulnerability in our president and it threw us all off. We will get back up, and so will President Biden, and we will carry on.

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Jul 1Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

It was not a debate. It was a Shit Show because they allowed a clinically insane narcissist rant with no boundaries.

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Jul 1Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

That Tom Paine quote is exactly what I've been thinking about since Thursday night. The modern term is " frontrunner".

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It was embarrassing

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I ve heard of a possible backlash toward the way Biden was treated by next day commentators…no empathy, no immediate! asking why Biden should leave and not the Liar. And widespread magical thinking due to lack of knowledge of the actual process of changing horse in midstream, let alone that would almost certainly assure TFG would win. The moderators were rubbish.

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CellyBlue: Thank you for sharing, and we share the same feelings.

Yours is one of the very best columns, and I always look forward to what you share.

You and I share that Joe Sixpack, in watching this so-called debate, and whose "news" is the clickbait on the internet's "MSN", that viewer would walk away with a total misapprehension of the value of the two candidates -- the one who, in the face of Russian war crimes expanded NATO to include Sweden and Finland, thus deepening the defensive territory of NATO surrounding Russia, shielding the West; the other who dealt with David Pecker and who tried to overturn the Democratic process and election in 2020 and who leagued himself with white-race supremacists.

CellyBlue: The American populace is ill-informed enough, I fear the right-wing will be elected; thereby allowing them to further pack the Supreme Court; and Jim Crow, which, despite the heroic Civil Rights movement and the corrective legislation and judicial decisions of the past, yes Jim Crow still remains and will be given fuel by a racist Presidency.

CellyBlue: Armando fears we need to steel ourselves to live and prosper as the opposition starting again in 2025.

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If mainstream media journalists are not going to be about the truth, they need to hang up their hats and go elsewhere. That is literally their job. Not to spin, not to opine, and especially not to mislead. It is to report the truth. Period.

The moderators of the debate bear as much responsibility as anyone for the debacle it turned out to be. No one can give a substantive answer to more than one topic in two minutes. They were expected to follow up on the other guys response plus answer their own question … And absent any fact checking it was merely set up to hurt Biden and bolster Trump in anyway they can. If you’re going to be that subversive, you need to be a lot less obvious.

I am sorely disappointed in Jake, Tapper, and Dana Bash especially, because they are supposed to be consummate professionals. In my opinion, they both tanked their reputations. Thank you for calling it out.

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Jun 30Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

They went down the rabbit hole in the last couple years. They were disappointing.

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Our corporate media is doing it's best to help Trump, I can't watch anymore.

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Yes. Timekeeping is separate from moderation. So, if you’re asked a question,and cannot answer sufficiently within the time allocated? You can redirect at the rebuttal. The CNN format was unproductive and almost funeral-like.

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Do we need Debates?

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Certainly not the ones we’ve had.

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