Aug 3·edited Aug 3Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Someone, don’t remember who, said the moods of persons reading Family Circle will be different to that of one reading Dostoevsky.

Reading you my mood is more somber. However, reading the reality of the inhuman behavior of humans is reality.

This makes me wonder how the term inhuman, meaning not human, makes sense when bad behavior is very human.

We must win this election and tackle racism head on. We must become WOKE

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So sad but true

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Aug 3Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Thank you. Keep posting these history lessons. 🙏

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Aug 3Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

It hurts to hear and remember these stories, but it must be done to honor their sacrifices as well as the intolerance and racism they endured. We cannot selectively remember our history.

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Aug 3Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

When will it end? 🤬😭🤬

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Aug 4Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

I've heard some Black people say it is a pain in the neck to have to keep teaching us white folks Black history. I'm so sorry for that fact. We were not taught Black history in my 1960s high school except for the horrific pictures and facts about slavery. And now there are white people elsewhere who do not want to know. If we are not taught Black history then we are not taught American history. I thank you for giving us this bit of an education. Please continue.

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We also didn't learn about Native American History, Asian American History or anything of any world importance.

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You are absolutely right. I wrote a note on that about a month ago. We don’t know American history. We know that there have been women, Black folks, Native Americans, Asian Americans in the land but, of course, we focus on white people and mostly white men because they’re the only ones who count.

Keep bringing that up. And if you would, if it’s not too much to ask, educate us. Because we have not been educated in the fullness of American history.

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As a histoy teacher, now retired, I agree wholeheartedly.

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Aug 3Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

the inhumanity of man unto man!

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Aug 3Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

CellyBlue -- I do know this! My God, you tell compelling history!

I am so thankful for your column.

You are a real inspiration!!

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Aug 4Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Such a heart breaking story. Thank you for bring it to our attention. The Nazis were such a disgrace to the German people. Now we have our own little Nazi party.

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Aug 4Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Thank you for telling us about this important piece of history.

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I write about German resistance during the Shoah. One German soldier - Fritz Hartnagel - was sickened by a command they received. They were instructed that, should they encounter Black soldiers, they were not to take them as POWs, they were to kill them. And they were also instructed to murder any Black POWs.

He was horrified. The command directly contravened the Geneva Convention.

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That’s true patriotism.

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Thank you for writing and sharing this important bit of history. In the novel I am writing, one of the two main characters was a forward observer of the 333rd FAB who gets separated from his unit during the Battle of the Bulge. I hope to do through historical fiction what you ably accomplish through your writing; humanize and bring justice to overlooked moments of history like this.

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Thank you for sharing this important piece of history.

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Thank you for telling all of us this history which some would want to be forgotten. There is so much which has been blotted out and forgotten from our history that would amaze and sadden you at the same time. And to think that there are some who don’t know or don’t want to know about history like this. Please don’t stop telling history. It is necessary for all of us.

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Kamala sailing with wind in her sails . Trump appears to be in the Sargasso Sea, no wind, shaking his fists and ranting at a Black Hole Sun.

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Thank you.

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Think of the hours young people spend on video games and their phone absolutely learning nothing. My heart aches for their ignorance.

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