May 25Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

November is going to be a nail-biter. We MUST turn out the vote, even (or especially) in the places we know are gerrymandered in favor of the MAGAts.

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May 25Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

I would add to symbolization that they will want to identify supporters of the Democrat party to threaten and persecute them as well. “Liberal thugs” as he calls them. There is a real fear of identifying yourself as a Biden supporter in neighborhoods. Knowing there are violent people who have a true hate of liberals, people don’t talk or display yard signs like they used to. I must say, although I hate seeing trump signs boldly displayed, it’s good to know where they live and who is in the cult.

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Liberal thug. It has a nice ring to it.

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May 26Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

My wife’s Japanese mother and Japanese-American family members were rounded up after Pearl Harbor and sent to camps in the Dakotas. Their properties were seized and most all valuable belongings disappeared forever. Her uncles were told they could return to their homes after the war if they enlisted and fought &/or worked as translators. They did just that. Even becoming decorated soldiers. When the war ended they were discharged and left to find their own way home or start new lives as far away as South Carolina and New York. Each tried in vain to recover their homes and land. Only to be told they should be thankful they weren’t killed or imprisoned for life. They told me how they feared they would become victims of genocide while in the camps. Given minimal food and if lucky, a couple of blankets to stay warm during the brutal winters. Their stories of survival are similar to what the Palestinian’s are going through, minus the bombings. If not for FDR, those lucky enough might not have survived. Several didn’t. I see the hatred of ignorant MAGA cultists and the us verses them mentality being promoted and encouraged by tRump and congresspersons. This could easily happen again. I fear we’re already on the road to possible genocide should the MAGA fascists and white, fake christian Nationalists gain the White House and control of Congress.

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May 25Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

CellyBlue -- I do know this! --

You are absolutely right, America's history is replete with genocide, from original settlers giving smallpox-infected blankets to innocent, unsuspecting and, note this, NONCOMBATANT First-Nation Peoples.

I have heard from diaries of 19th century U.S. Army officers near the time of Wounded Knee speaking of how they would kill First Nation women and children all gathered in their NONCOMBATANT villages to intimidate the family warriors.

And there is serious, scholarly legal literature on the point that the Second Amendment was specifically designed to enable state militias, calling even the unwilling (Medical doctors who were against arms!) in the draft to carry a rifle as a sentry over camps of Black slaves, ostensibly for the purpose of preventing a slave uprising.

Mind you, the ideology of the South was as you have described it elsewhere. I have read with shock, well over fifty years ago as a college sophomore, source materials from the 19th century South that showed slave-advocates questioning the very humanity of their slaves, in their ruinous attempts to justify their oh-so "Peculiar Institution."

Well, the powerful ring for freedom was powerfully documented in thoughts made public as early as 1845 by Frederick Douglass in the first edition of what was expanded in 1855 to "My Bondage and My Freedom"!

If one wants beautiful, poetic prose, Frederick Douglass 1845, "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave" and his expanded 1855, "My Bondage and My Freedom" has prose that sings in poetry that seeks far and wide to find its equal.

Yes, America has committed genocides.

The current attempts to cover-up our history are dangerous. Very, very dangerous.

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I constantly see people using words like fascist, communist, socialist etc without knowing what they mean.

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My icon, Grief weeping on the shoulder of History, a Peace Monument placed at the southwest corner of the steps leading up to the Capitol. It was erected after the Civil War. I fear that Grief will be mourning the death of our Republic should the evil man(?)get his wish to be dictator or foment a second rebellion aided by his thugs and the so-called Supreme Court.

I have the soul of Eeyore.

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The American people appear to become human plow horses once they get out of school, get jobs, start raising families and engage in the long term demands of day to day life in America. Plow pulling lasts for a solid 30-40 year time frame, without any breaks.

The question is how to break into the plow horse day to day living realities of plow and change their directions. I’m thinking it requires some sort of systemic shock that disrupts their extant realities that forces them to focus on what is actually going on.

Getting their attention is hard. Plow horses live a mostly isolated existence. Their world and social perceptions are dominated by soundbites from constantly playing but sporadicly watched TV shows, like Fox, which are short and punchy and mirror their day to day reality and perceptions of being exploited that are coupled to a constant barrage of promises of relief from charismatic strongman personalities and their mouthpiece talking heads.

Their plow horse isolation is completed when the anecdotal beliefs and comments from their “neighbors and friends”, likely coworkers and their local religious church and religious communities take up the little remaining “free” time they have to contemplate their existence.

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So well informed. I appreciate all your hard and painful research.

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send this arrival out far and wide!

& thank you.

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