Aug 24Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

CellyBlue: Very well written article, fully confirming that Project Mein Kampf 2025 is well-established in the confederate state of Alabama. Excellent, informative, disappointing. Well done.

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Aug 24Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

What a ridiculous farce. "We are godly followers of Christ, so fuck everyone who is sick, poor, or pregnant, just like Jesus said."

I can only assume this is shit from the Trump Bible. The Jesus I know would scourge these profitmongers from the temple.

But hey, what do I know?

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Aug 25Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Celly Blue -- I do know this! What an irony, naming the repressive Alabama Law the "Human Life Protection Act" (HLPA).

When the extreme right wants to shut out thought, they choose loud, bombastic names for legislation, like HLPA or the USA-PATRIOT-ACT -- which shredded Constitutional rights.

You point out some very essential facts that bear repeating and wide promulgation:

"The HLPA does not include an exception in cases of rape or incest. Every 68 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. Every 9 minutes, that victim is a child. Meanwhile, only 25 out of every 1,000 perpetrators will end up in prison.

"In Alabama

"56 percent of the rape victims in Alabama were white; 30 percent were black, and 14 percent were other or unknown.

"23 percent of all rape victims were 13-, 14-, 15- and 16-year-olds.

"In 79 percent of the rapes, the victim and offender knew or were related to each other.

"In 4 percent, the victim and offender were strangers.

"In 17 percent, the relationship was unknown."

Resource: ACAR (alabamacoalitionagainstrape.org)

You are Celly Blue and YOU "do know this!" Love to you and your sister.

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Aug 24Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

I live in Mobile Alabama. The politics of this handmaiden state CellyBlue, are horribly true. Until elections change the face of tyranny in Alabama, they will continue to usurp basic human rights.

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Aug 25Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

I live in the red state of Missouri and feel surrounded by “pro-lifers” whose only real concern is for the unborn. It’s easy and convenient to advocate for fetuses and it takes a lot more effort and commitment to support children and their families after they’re born with adequate nutrition, housing, healthcare, and housing. So many people wear the title “pro-life” like a badge of honor yet have complete disregard and even contempt for the lives of those in need in our communities. It’s so hypocritical!

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Aug 25Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Alabama is referred to as the Maternal Desert. It is really so sad. OBs and midwives losing jobs and birthing centers closed. I didn’t know who your governor was until I saw her picture. When Mike Johnson gave his first, and unfortunately not his last speech, She and Bobert were right in the front of the camera providing sound effects for every statement.

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Aug 25Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

“Sweet home Alabama.” Bullshit. This song written as rebuttal to Neil Young song “Southern Man.” I guess it may be a sweet home if you are a white bigoted asshole. However, it seems black women are making it less a sweet home.

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Aug 24Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. Maddening 😡

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And they always say we’re proLife but do things that totally contradict the proLife statement

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Aug 25Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Gotta breed the workers. It's that simple, until it's not. F*** slavery and all of its evil iterations.

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Aug 25Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Keep bringing these things to the light Ms. Celly.

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I think it’s important to get as many people as possible to read the Atwood’s book!

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I left Alabama at the age of 19. I always felt a misfit in the city I grew up in Alabama outside Birmingham.

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Handmaid's tale is just a sexual fantasy for crusty, childless, women on the far back end of their fertility.

Let us let you in on a secret: no one wants to get you pregnant

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