May 26Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

CellyBlue -- I do know this! -- Your mention of the horrific massacre and massive arson of 1921 in Tulsa is very important.

The State of Oklahoma and the City of Tulsa each had projects:

About 2001, a Commission of the State Legislature, assigned to the project in 1997, produced a circa 200-page report of the 1921 massive massacre of a highly professional and cultural area of Tulsa:


To buy a copy:



The area of Tulsa was known as a little Wall-Street for its professional community.

And you point out that the Holocaust Museum and similar institutions do an important work in making sure we do not forget.

The programs in Florida, beyond absurd, are actually dangerous in breeding ignorance and forgetfulness.

Ron DeSantis is Harvard educated and knows better, which makes me question why such persons promote a neo-fascist agenda.

It was well-known that already in the 1920s, Hitler was encouraged that outrage over the Turk killing of over 1.2 million Armenians in WWI had been largely forgotten. That forgetfulness emboldened the crazed Nazi-Leader to formulate the "Endlösung" (Final Solution).

We MUST never forget.

Anyone who reads Frederick Douglass and other important witnesses will have NO DOUBT what the evil of slavery is.

It is frustrating that we have to defend so vocally today truths that are so well-established that everyone should accept them, like we accept the laws of gravity, or that the earth is round.

What you describe should be self-evident, and I am very upset that we have to engage the public at such an elementary base of truth to correct DELIBERATE DISTORTIONS FROM THE RIGHT.

Thank you, THANK YOU, for the valiant fight for TRUTH.

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May 26Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

And thank you for underscoring it and spreading it--these truths are apparently not self- evident and need to be hammered home!

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May 26Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Alicia Norman: MY FRIEND! People like YOU keep me strong against this FRUSTRATION that the RACIST RIGHT blares through such a MEGAPHONE through the MEDIA.


And CellyBlue is one of the VERY BEST.

And YOU are a precious, dear friend, and, like Joyce Vance reminds us: "We are in this together!"

Thank YOU for being there!

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May 26Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Thank you! One more time or the heartless and clueless Cretins in the cheap seats.

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May 26Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

I can vouch for the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis (I’ve been twice.) First and foremost, its location takes your breath away. The museum incorporates part of the Lorraine Motel. You are taken by MLKs motel room where his Bible and glasses are still by his bed. It feels like a holy place. The entire museum is very well done as you move through he history of slavery and the Civil Rights movement - a history low point to the high points where courage and righteousness stood up to our greatest sin. Black history is the history of America - if you’re white you must own it.

In Memphis on Beale Street is a music museum which features the history of Black blues singers, bluesmen, early groups and how white people (i.e. Pat Boone) remade songs from Black artists but got most of the credit.

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The Anne Frank house in Amsterdam had a similar effect on me. You can see the pencil marks her parents used to record the growth of her and her sister on a wall.

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Boise, ID of all places has an Anne Frank museum. My husband was in Boise for business and someone recommended it. He really enjoyed learning about her experiences.

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Sharon: "First and foremost, it's location takes your breath away." I had this exact same response when I approached the motel sign in 2019. I was suddenly hit by the reality of where I was and what happened there. This year I chose to observe Holy Thursday and "Good" Friday by visiting the Legacy Museum and Sites in Montgomery, AL, rather than traditional church services. These are holy pilgrimages we make to learn and to bear witness to the excruciating pain and suffering and crucifixions of millions of people.

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May 26Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Here’s what I always remember: the Revolutionary War ended in 1783 — in the midst of a global abolitionist movement — and *still* ratified the Constitution in 1787 to establish this “free” nation as a slave society.

They had YEARS to get this shit done right. And in the end opted to continue the chattel-ization of Black slaves by not even counting them as PEOPLE.

Including those slaves who’d taken up arms to fight the Brits in exchange for their freedom!

Weird how they didn’t need to be “taught” how to handle their business at that point, but now racists want to perpetrate as if the end of slavery didn’t out THEM as uneducated, illiterate, and primarily useless to society until the government finally got around to financing A&M schools for the dimwits.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

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May 27Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Trust me when I say that sometimes saving people from themselves has absolutely no reward and can be dangerous.

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May 26Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Very true. And slavery still exists today in many places. Slavery is as old as civilization, say 8,000+ years old. In the USA, we focus on our own mortal sin, but truth be told women were as “slaves” for most of human history; first the property of father, then of husband. Right to vote 1920!!

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May 26Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Thank you for this article. So much to understand from what we have here. One could say that history is repeating itself as some want to categorically deny what occurred and some of the other history that is considered too harsh for their children to hear. We have been down this road and it does not end well. All we need to do is tell the truth about what America was and make sure we never go down that path again. Instead, we will ban the truth and foolishly ignore history. Make the corrections now before we mess it up again.

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May 26Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Same people who want you to believe Hitler did some very good things.

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May 27Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Add the museum celebrating the Clinton 12 in Clinton, Tennessee.

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This is so infuriating to me!!! I don’t want my 11 year old son to be taught this bullshit!!! Kids need to hear the truth, and the fucking racist bastards whonteach this are evil and they are all about promoting White supremacy!!!

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Ron DeSantis’s ancestry is from central Italy. 🇮🇹. When they came here in the late 1890’s and early 1900’s the were “Greasy Dagos” “Italian Scum” and “Dumb Dagos”. He too has ignored where he came from like Alito did as well! I am proud and yet humbled what my mother Father and 11 y/0 brother went thru to come here and establish an honest life in the USA. I was born here but the stories remain fresh in my mind.

DeSantis is a disgusting shallow man.

If this is what “Harvard” produces then heaven help us!

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I don’t need to visit those places to remember the Civil Rights Movement because I was in my teen years and witnessed the TV reports and read our local newspaper then. I was attending an integrated 4A high school. I was horrified to see how the South was treating people with a different skin color. My grandfather had a small berry farm in SW Michigan’s fruit belt. I worked side by side picking berries with the dark-skinned refugees from the South. My grandfather paid us all exactly the same rate. They lived down the road about a mile. We got along just fine.

Dr Martin Luther King gave his “I had a dream” speech on my 18th Birthday and it set the tone for my entire life. I became a science teacher in my young adulthood and taught children the reason people have different skin color as an adaptation to the climate in which their ancestors originated. I taught them that there is ONLY ONE HUMAN SPECIES and that “species” is a synonym for “race.” On forms and when asked my race, I ALWAYS say “human.” I am a descendant of ethnic German immigrants.

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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂truth can be hilarious -

How in the world has FL become such a magnet for such undeniable horse-shit?

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One more reason I despise Ron DeSantis

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If they had not been brought to America, it is highly unlikely their descendants wouldn’t be here today to complain about how rotten it is to be here.

Is that an abomination or a benefit? Your call.

The Tulsa riot was the result of an attempted jail break. A group of armed black men arrived at the city jail and demanded the immediate release of a black man being held there. They used their firearms to kill 3 white men guarding the jail.

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You might feel differently about the new, “Neo-Slavery.”

Apparently it's an equal opportunity for all ethnicities.

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This is the most shameful statement.

Integrity is a virtue, unless you fail to obtain it.

We cannot be that person who wrongly justifies what u want to do.

A serial rapist , a serial bigot, a serial criminal if u don’t recognize your that person , don’t you lose everything eventually? And sooner or later someone will not take what you say in stride.

Thank you for this!!!

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