May 20Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

I have not heard this story. This is what the press should be discussing instead of legitimizing the orange karbunkles’ insurrection.

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The gutters should have overflowed with the terrorists' blood that day. Like not hanging the Confederates, that oversight will haunt us.

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I hope we never reach that point. If so, we All will have lost.

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May 21Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

I bought his book and read the harrowing details. I watched this INSURRECTION from my home and was appalled at what happened because of trumps lies. It was real, not a tourist visit or legitimate political discourse either. It was a REPUBLICAN INSURRECTION USED TO TRY TO STOP THE PEACEFUL TRANSFER OF POWER. #FVCKTRUMP

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May 22Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Michael Fanone survived but will never be the same, Brian Sicknick died, four other courageous officers committed suicide in the aftermath of that horrible day and TRUMP SEEKS RE-ELECTION? If the SCOTUS rules tfg has IMMUNITY I will be the most heartbroken, 💔, disappointed and outraged person on the planet.

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One more observation; says he’s running on a unity ticket. Sure. That’s why he stood up fist in air and yelled “fight” three times at the top of his lungs. F#%king prick!

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Now he has been “martyred “ with a boo-boo on his ear. Has he said anything about the man behind him who took the kill shot while hovering over and protecting his family? Today the RNC starts. I am too sick 🤢 to move this day.

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May 20Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Trump incited this... so as to intimidate Congress into making him an unaccountable ruler...

Jesus fuck.

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May 23Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

There are questionable points to many when u look back on DT, what is most important to you?


Covid Response?



Supposedly, his behavior was listed the most .

Honestly just one word?

Dt,s choices in all the above , his behavior doesn’t it INFORM HIS EVERY DECISION?

J6 caused several , several lives to change . And for some it was a permanent change, death .

I will read. In 30 yrs we are all going to know the truth of who this person is and his choices to hurt so Ma t.

God bless u Officer Fanone!!

We stand with you and beside you!!

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May 20Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

CellyBlue -- I DO Know This! -- You always report in such concrete detail, that brings the story to life, and makes us shudder at how hard it is for persons to even survive who fight against the tide of evil.

You consistently bring us stories of spiritual depth, showing the horror of real evil being inflicted upon persons.

You showed us sides of Michael Fanone that are so vivid and deeply human and true.

I LOVE your conversations with your sister, Gwen:


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May 22Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

I wish I could get my MAGA brother to read this. He was an SP in the Air Force and then law enforcement for a few years. He’s so into this cult. If anything could sway him, this would be it. But it’s still doubtful.

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May 20Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

Thank you.

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May 24Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

If only the FBI and DHS had shared their intelligence info with the capitol police, this could have been prevented. This according to the former capitol police chief. Not sure who is to blame but there appears to have been major negligence on the part of the FBI and DHS.

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I’m in the UK - I watched (transfixed) the whole Jan 6th event unfold. I could not believe what I was seeing. I can understand why the FBI and DHS were not more proactive - they could not believe that Trump would be so strong in inciting his followers to violence. Do not blame them - blame the Hitler clone who started the whole episode 👎

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There were definitely some bad eggs in the crowd but I venture to say that most people were not there to attempt the world’s first unarmed insurrection against the world’s most powerful government.

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There were an awful lot of angry people riled up by the man who at that time was the most powerful person in the world.

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I would venture to say that the whole crowd was there to attempt an insurrection. You’re not going to white wash it by calling it ‘some bad eggs’. They were all there to stop the peaceful transfer of power. You’re not gaslighting me with your BS.

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Oh Donna!

No gaslighting here but things are a changing now aren't they? All of the BS attempts to get rid of Trump have failed.

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And I still stand by both of my previous comments.

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May 23Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

He’s on the record that he voted for Trump in 2016. I’d like to know who he voted for in 2020 yes that’s private, of course. I’m glad he has come to his senses with regard to criminal Trump. It’s unfortunate that it took his life, almost being ended by the MAGA terrorists who tried to overthrow our democracy on Trump’s order Jan. 6, 2021.

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May 25Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

I loved his book. I think he is a great voice for happened Jan. 6.

His story and how he was treated after is beyond discusting!

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Well written and thoughtful. Oh, and GO BLUE!

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#GoBlue 🤗

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July 4 1776 was an insurrection

Jan 6 was a protest turned riot

ON CNN ,Chris Cuomo segment had a general who was of the GOP, the general stated

July 4 1776 was an insurrection, Jan 6 was a riot

Cuomo dissed him continually . What a prick.

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Thank you for another solid post.

I am hoping that someone will take the time to investigate and report on the stories of the officers that took their own lives after J6.

For me, it is a compelling mystery that will always remain unresolved in my mind.

WTF happened to those men?

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Do we know how many police officers were hospitalized on that day?

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Read the definition of insurrection. J6 was not an insurrection. What is indeed an insurrection is deciding not to uphold US law as in the Sanctuary Jurisdictions, or leaving the borders wide open for 11 million illegals to invade the country. If you actually care about our Nation and reality, face them both and act accordingly.

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Fuck you, traitor. We destroyed scum like you in 1865 and 1945, and we will do it again.

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Now read again my comment if you can.

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