Jun 16Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

I have shared this book with my classes, Come Juneteenth by Ann Rinaldi, 2007, a historical novel for ages 11-14.

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Interesting that FL was one of the first states to recognize Juneteenth…

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Never forget; and be not quick to forgive. This country owes a debt (several, actually) it may never repay.

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Thank you for this essay. At 76, my education continues.

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I didn’t know about Juneteenth until a few years ago. It’s one of those facts (that Texas did not notify their enslaved black population that they had been freed for two years) that leaves me both incensed and unsurprised.

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Great history lesson for some of us. I can only hope this Fact based history is there for future generations. Thanks for sharing this.

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Looks like an important and fun resource …reaching out with food !

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