May 25Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

CellyBlue -- I do know this!: With a properly motivated Justice Department, the "Double-Jeopardy" bar would apply ONLY to: (1) The same charges; (2) In the same jurisdiction.

So, today, for example, I believe that after such an abortion of a State murder-trial with a bigoted trial jury occurred, on charges of murder and torture, the defendants could be remanded to United States District Court on charges at least of violation of the Civil Rights Act.

I believe, though, that the civil-rights violations are based on the 1964 Act. I don't know whether such prosecutions rely at all on post-Civil-War-era acts.

Having lived through the 1950s -- a vivid, living memory to me -- I fear the MAGA-Fundamentalist-racist-CULT has reimagined Jim Crow in a way they hope to impose through Project 2025 in a new Trump Presidency.

The memories that CellyBlue bring us are ones I lived through that were in the nightly CBS and NBC news, and, I am very afraid, we have to be very, very diligent to prevent re-enactment in America in this era. Racism is more on the surface today, more plain-and-outspoken than in my memory since the 1960s. We are not living in a good time.

That is why voices like those of CellyBlue need to be part of our daily morning coffee and breakfast, so we unite, as Joyce Vance reminds us, "We are in this together."

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May 26Liked by CellyBlue - I Do Know This!

I don’t fully believe in karma, but in this cast it may apply.

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thank you for this post.

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