Great summary of all his racist BS! I'm sharing this and studying up for any interactions I might have with persuadable swing voters...Magats, fugetaboutit!😵‍💫🤣

Celly, your post is like Cliff Notes for Trump racism!💯

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The atrocities you point out are always so enlightening, I have to wonder, however, if calling people names somehow endears them to your cause or gets more votes for your candidate. It feels like lots of rage with no outlet and an endless energy drain. Thanks for your work. I really do appreciate it.

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I mean, COME ON. The fingers are all wonky and incomplete or there are a few extra (par for the course I would guess for a ReThuglican photoshop artist).

One of El Greco's religious paintings (I don't know where it is now, but I originally saw it in his house in Toledo, SP) depicts a bunch of guys with... unfinished hands/fingers. I think the story is he didn't have time to finish the portrait.

How appropriate.

Also, ReThuglican disinformation trolls are complete assholes. They do their work like all other ReThuglicans - half-assed and never finished.

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Thank you! For your succinct overview of the historic and Current patterns of racism in our society. It is so ugly. When I see these ugly humans I want to ask them “what makes you think you are God’s gift? “

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Facts! Thank you sooo much for this sad time-line of racism. He throws out so much misinformation it's hard to get through it all.

Your article shows how he acts...over and over and over and over again!

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Thanks for the reminder. No way I can support this bigoted asshole.

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He's never hugged any woman in that appropriate manner or smiled that big and happily in his life. Clearly AI.

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I'm glad to say that it's a good thing that this is a fake photo because if it were real, a couple of sisters would come away with cooties.

On a serious note, do those who would vote for him know about the "Central Park Five" who were railroaded into confession, years later found innocent, and Trump's reaction to that news was to take out a full page ad saying those young men should be executed?

Finally, it may just be soto voce commentary that anyone you'd ordinarily not expect to support this ugly, ugly guy, do so because the economy and well-paying jobs are scarce? That's because of people like this ugly, ugly guy gave away the bank to the banksters and their billionaire investors. Just a thought.

Be well.

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Ladies! Get those tiny mother fucking hands off your body. He despises you and always has.

Anyone remember the Central Park 5 !? Five young poor boys of color were falsely accused of rape and DJT takes out a huge ad and is shown screaming out of his penthouse for the death penalty.

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Disgusting white boy, he is.

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Please repeat and retweet this: Trump is now trying his Long Con on the african american community, particular the men. I can’t lie and state that it’s difficult to observe, but I will state that it’s a sad prognosis.

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