"Happy Negoes Sing Old Time Spirituals"

Oh, Lordy. 😲

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Crime? You need a crime for me to re-enslave an African American citizen (not the historically accurate term)? Absolutely no problem! Will you accept an advance on your cut while I toddle off to Birmingham to get one passed?

It’s history lessons like these that do so much to assuage white guilt. “Me, liberal me? Just because my white privilege is a byproduct of that is not MY fault. I’m here solely as a fully qualified member in good standing of the Meritocracy, defined by and for the benefit of people like me who have made the strategic decision to admit a handful of Black people far more qualified than I am myself, truth be told, to keep the scam going.”

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CellyBlue: I really, really appreciate you.

I give you a tribute, here:


If I were more eloquent, I would say even more, far more, because your conviction of truth and knowledge of history moves me deeply.

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Thanks for your work and research to bring this very important story to light! Some things never seem to change, but telling about them is what it takes. 👍✍️

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The slave patrols became the police who enforce systemic racism for the profit of the vastly expanding mass incarceration enterprise of the largest imprisoned population in the world.

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Did not learn this in school.

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Your work is so important. I never knew this was happening. It’s hard to change things when you don’t know what’s happening.

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CellyBlue: You tell truth so powerfully. Your narrative is true and moves one's conscience.

Thank you for sharing of your gift!

Today's is the latest in a series of reports of deep historical roots of injustice our Nation tolerates today.

You tell necessary truths in a way that show their deep human tragedy and make poignant the upside-down injustice in our country.

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