💯 Joe Biden, and those of us who voted for him in 2020, delayed our descent into tyranny, but the fight is ongoing. Anyone who thinks otherwise has not paid attention to anything the Republicans have been doing since January 6, 2021.

If you're not going to cast your vote for Biden and democracy, don't call yourself a Democrat. If you don't like what's happening, don't just whine, help to change it. Vote, and vote Blue.

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Pundits who cowardly cave out of fear of Trump retribution.

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Hi CellyBlue. I saw your podcast and you are spot on - Black women are the ones in this country whose loyalty and steadfastness is better than anyone else's. You women have shown that over and over again. I ask, though, that you rethink your position of not voting.

No part of our population has suffered more historic disappointment than the Black community. I know that feminism has badly served Black women and I so hope we're past that. And I know that the promises of freedom and democracy took damn near 200 years to reach the Black community.

I'm like everybody else - I don't know how our fellow Democrats are going to come out on this replacement jag they're on. I'm on the Biden Harris side. They have performed better than anyone, ANYONE, has predicted. I am grateful that Biden is flexing his considerable spine and saying "run against me if you think you can beat me." I think he's right. But if he isn't, we Democrats still have to stand together and this year that is so much more important than any other. Please. We need to pledge to vote for the Democratic ticket because if we lose, we lose what's left of our rights and we all return to slaves as slaves to the likes of Donald Trump and the GOP.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you! Calling it like you see it. You are absolutely correct that the Democrats have no idea what is a stake. In fighting doesn't help at all, especially at this point.

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After thinking about it, I think the Democrats should stick with Joe, but change their tactics (recognizing they aren’t in a policy discussion, but a show-business face-off with a lying liar and his lying allies).

But, if Kamala Harris replaced Joe Biden, I bet you’d vote for her.

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Yeah I mighr

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Powerful message CellyBlue! You eloquently expressed the pile of anxiety that has built up in my being over the last few weeks. It’s as if no one has the capacity to see the forest for the trees anymore. Or maybe it’s because they don’t want to? The handwringing and pearl clutching has been another ridiculous scene that we don’t need right now. Our energy needs to be focused on re-electing BIDEN-HARRIS, the strongest ticket of our times. We can do this!

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Debates are a piss poor way to learn about someone’s actual beliefs and many are judging a winner or loser by optics instead of substance. Actually, one can learn something’s about how one operates. Trump never answered a single question. He was only a Gishes Gallop of lies and attacks. I didn’t learn anything new about him as I have always believed he was a simple piece of shit. Yet, many in our country seem to love vainglorious pieces of shit if the optics are good in their eyes. Reagan, W and many others are examples of pieces of shit. Pieces of shit come in all colors and religions.

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CellyBlue: Love your depth of knowledge that is fuel for your passion for what is right.

The Democratic Party has failed us by a STATE OF PANIC in the face of an existential threat to Democracy from the Gross-ORANGE-Peel (GOP) and their neo-fascist leader.

Congressman Glenn Ivey makes clear that the Congressional Black Caucus is solidly behind a Joe-Biden re-election.

We need to go further.

Despite inner-party fighting, it is the GOP that now is not the normal party of the people but whose ideology has been taken over by white-nationalists, and we must get behind election of:

(1) Joe Biden/Kamala Harris Re-Election;

(2) Democratic House with Kareem Jeffries as House Speaker;

(3) Democratic Senate with Chuck Schumer as majority leader;

(4) Democratic Governors (Andy Beshear, KY, and Laura Kelly (KS) are BLUE Governors in RED States);

(5) Democratic State Houses throughout the country;

(6) Democratic State Senates throughout the Country;

(7) Democratic state Judicial candidates;

(8) Democratic County Commissioners;

(9) Democratic Mayors;

(10) Democratic City Elders;

(11) Democratic school boards.

The GOP got to the point they are through four, almost five decades of working the democratic process from the ground up.

That is how Mitch McConnell got to the point where he forced through the Senate the Justices that now throw the Supreme Court in severe judicial imbalance.

It is one thing for leaders in the backroom to have discussions with Joe Biden for course change or course-correction.

It is totally another for Congressmen to panic in public and feed our Age's media frenzy.

There is one good thing, CellyBlue, about media frenzy.

Media are like sharks looking for blood and movement in the seas so they can lunge and open their looming jaws.

The bleeding, moving things in the ocean constantly change.

The past two weeks have been all about Biden and the debate performance.

Hurricane Beryl, a catastrophic category five hurricane at the start, reduced to a category one, barreled through Texas causing floods, tornadoes and destruction in its wake.

But the Press is still concentrated on the debate performance. So, Beryl was not a big enough prey bleeding in the water.

What about women and women's health care?

It seems that the real potential for blood and movement in the ocean eddies to attract the Shark-CNN lies with the insane things the GOP has done to damage women's health care.

In the South Carolina State Senate, three Republican women -- Sandy Senn, Katrina Shealy and Penry Gustafson -- stood against the MEN who had passed severe anti-abortion legislation that put girls and women in imminent danger -- anti-abortion with no exception for the 9-year-old victim of incestual rape; no exceptions for a woman's health, to the point of oppressive law that induces medical malpractice causing the girl's or woman's death or permanent and severe injury, including infertility.

South Carolina DEFEATED these brave three woman State Senators: Sandy Senn, Katrina Shealy and Penry Gustafson. Now, the State GOP has NO WOMEN. All are now in lock-step with Fundamentalist-Cult misogyny.

More than half of our population are girls and women and the woman, and Biden's issues are woman's issues.

A man at all worth his salt loves all the girls and women in his life, his Mom, his Sisters, his Aunts, his nieces, his Wife or Girlfriend, his Daughters, his Granddaughters, Women who are dear and good friends in his life.

So any worthy man prospers when women around him are happy, healthy, strong, and assertive.

(I have been in love with one woman for 53-years and married 51 to her. Nancy is "assertive", believe you me. And I am very happy and want Nancy's power, strength and voice.)

The Honorable Hakeem Jeffries, Future Speaker of the House, stood behind Biden irrespective of the debate and reasserted his support yesterday.

The Honorable Glenn Ivey speaks for the Congressional Black Congress.

You are among Black Women I cherish who take a stance.

Black women are THE STRENGTH of the Democratic Party.

Black women are the BACKBONE of our Democracy.

I wavered -- because I have faith in Biden's strength of character and accomplishment, and the debate -- viewed by millions -- was the place for him to show his strength. Make no mistake, Biden is a lawyer, and we lawyers at a trial don't get the break -- "Oh, well, my Defense, flubbed, and that is what the jury saw. But outside of the trial, in press conferences the JURY DOES NOT WATCH, he shines . . ." NO, that does NOT cut it for a lawyer and I refuse to cut Biden slack on that. Absolutely refuse.

For his own good.

Biden from now on and constantly has to look like he is on steroids at every public appearance.

Biden now has to come out as "Fighting Joe," the "Happy Warrior Joe!"

Biden has your and my loyalty -- after my own wavering.

But now we need Biden's loyalty.

You and I have a right that Biden show up as the Happy Warrior.

Biden can talk quite passionately and simply to the People, so people understand what is at stake for:

(1) The health and very lives of girls and women;

(2) Legislation, including voting rights, in the Spirit not only of the late John Lewis and, never overlook, the late Elijah Cummings;

(3) DEFEATING the right-wing, ideological Project-2025 programs to put a Presidency on steroids immunized against any criminal responsibility;

(4) The VOICE of the worker, the voter, where ELITE, closed organizations such as the Heritage Foundation threaten an unwanted "Second Revolution" that would be "bloodless" only if "the left lets it!" -- Kevin Roberts. Echo this with images of January 6th and violence (market shootings, police violence) with African-American and Latino -- and Jewish -- victims. Show synagogues and Jewish cemeteries desecrated by racist violence and DENOUNCE Trump's BLOOD rhetoric -- the immigrants "poison our blood."

Russia just bombed a Children's Hospital in Kyiv.

Biden and the Democrats should take to the microphone, show these images, and condemn and damn Biden and Michael Johnson for strengthening Vladimir Putin, the War Criminal who kills children.

In my view this should be a major feature of images and fiery rhetoric of Biden and Democrats to trounce Putin-war-criminal-Supporters Trump and the GOP, including Michael Johnson.

Put THEM on the defensive.

The Democratic Advocacy will have to be in vivid color and pictures, in steamed rhetoric against the tyrannical threat from the cultist-Right, and be so aggressive and personal against Trump's neo-fascist and racist BLOOD rhetoric -- where Trump proclaims immigrants "POISON OUR BLOOD" -- that the other side screams in the defensive.

We are not in stage where the Democrats have any choice other than a full-court press from now until the Day of Election.

After the election, Biden will have plenty of time to rest.

From today, within the bounds of the law, we must win BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY!

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Jim Sanders: The Existential Comics is quite a find.

They are worth a daily meditation.

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I was doing that for awhile but slowly forgot. Thank you for reminding me. I’m current reading a book on the history of philosophy to remind me of all of hat have forgotten and to learn some new things. Surprisingly, all that is happening in Cosmology and Quantum Physics—a lot going on—is helping me get a little more focused in my beliefs from epistemology and ontogeny. I do not want to scare you with math and science but many of these issues can be discussed without a strong science background.

As I was typing this I got two likes from you. If they seemed duplicative it is because one got lost in the ether because of phone call but then miraculously arrived to you anyways. Take care and keep caring.

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Jim Sanders: Cosmology and Quantum Physics -- I understand what is verbally explained.

To me Cosmology and Quantum Physics is like the whole meaning of everything.

You and I read David Hume, so we both are passionate about epistemology.

Thank you so much!

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I must confess that I knew all about Hume from my epistemology readings. However, I only recently discover his writings—under ethics if I remember correctly—where he posited his position that humans are driven much more by their passions than their logic. That had been my position for awhile and I was elated to find that I was in sync with such a great mind.

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Jim Sanders: David Hume (7 May 1711 – 25 August 1776) wrote his "Treatise of Human Nature" between the ages of 23 and 28, publishing the two volume set 1739-1740.

The "Treatise" flopped on the market, so David Hume reset his philosophy in two Enquiries: (1) Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding; and (2) Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals, the latter of which Hume considered his finest work.

But the "Treatise" ultimately became the inspiration for Immanuel Kant and his three critiques.

Hume influences me more than about any other philosopher, and I have read his work a couple times.

That is a powerful feeling to find that your own theory coincides with the theory of Hume concerning the relation of human passions to reason and morals.

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From the corporate media parody account NYTimes Pitchbot:

Guest Opinion | If Biden loses to Trump, the republic will survive. If I lose my Congressional seat to a challenger, America may as well not exist.

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Oh brother. What idiot said that?

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It's from a Twitter account that parodies mainstream media.

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K, thanks.

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